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Thursday, September 22, 2005

3 Weeks left of life...

So I will be switching jobs in 3 weeks and so far nobody has come forward in the group of friends to take over popDOT! 3.0. The chances of me continuing with it past that point are slim to none. There may come a day when popDOT! will be revived but for now it will rest. I will try to get out one more podcast before then. The format will be free form so it may be a long one. Please send in submissions to or leave a voicemail thru Gizmo Project to the user popdot. Join me for one last hurrah this time around by sending in a submission of some form or another. I might even consider doing something recorded live. If I do, it will be posted here.


Friday, September 16, 2005

Is this the end?!?!

I have been promoted. That means I won't be doing Internet Tech Support anymore soon. I'm fighting with the idea of ending popDOT! but maybe someone else will take over the reigns. Also my new job has some elements of tech support but they are higher level. Stay tuned...

Friday, September 09, 2005

popDOT! goes gaga for Gizmo and Google!

I don't know if you noticed lately but there is a VoIP war going on. I have decided that Skype is too much trouble to use for what I need it for so from now on, DO NOT leave VMs for me at popdot on skype. Instead leave VMs on Gizmo at popdot30. I have added a link to Gizmo in place of skype on the right in case you don't have it. Gizmo has some advantages over skype including built in, free VM! So that means no more need for SAM (Skype Answering Machine). Also I am on GTalk as I like to call it. You know it as Google Talk. If you have Google Talk you can, chat with me by adding popdot [at] to your buddies. I have set up a bot so I can use this as a chat room. As always send submissions either by VM or by Email (same address as Google Talk).
