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Monday, May 30, 2005

Memorial Delay

Hey peeps,
popDOT! was to have Episode 4 out by Sunday (yesterday) but being memorial day weekend and all, I forgot I had other things to do. Also I am sending in the trusty TabletPC for some warranty work. Episode 4 will therefore be delayed a couple weeks. I'll finish it up and post it as soon as the computer is back.


Thursday, May 26, 2005

Episode 4 progressing

I have most of the content in Audacity, just need to splice in some stuff and I'll start mixing. Should have it up by Sunday. Later peeps!


PS-send gripe submissions to or better yet skype popdot and leave a voicemail!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

yes, I'm still here...

There hasn't been a popDOT! in recent weeks. Partly because I've been busy, or tired. Partly because there are so many things to talk about. Some you already know about some is still fairly new. Look for a new popDOT! podcast by Sunday. That's a promise... I will try to get one done... hopefully... don't hold me to it... ah who knows? Seriously I will do my best to get one up by then. Later peeps.


Friday, May 06, 2005

popDOT peeps, listen up!

Hey, any of you who are coworkers of mine (you know who you are) and anyone who used to be who wants to be a part of the podcast, skype me at popdot (leave a message) or shoot off an email to I'm looking to do some Skype chats and/or a group chat with's stuff. If I can get enough peeps involved this thing will be kickin.



popDOT! reborn

OK, first some clarification. This site is a website for the podcast. The podcast is hosted elsewhere (see link to Podcast Feed in the sidebar). This site will have different content than the podcast but it will probably relate in some way. The show notes are part of the RSS feed. I'll put a direct link to the show notes on the side bar in a bit. Feedburner is making it possible for our feed to be usable by many clients. I recommend iPodder for windows and you Mac people, you know what to do. So welcome!... to the rebirth!
