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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Podcast 6 is on the air!

OSX86 and P2P get the once over by yours truly.


Monday, August 15, 2005

Episode 6

In case you hadn't heard I'm changing things up a bit starting with episode 6. The format is streamlined and there will basically be one topic besides the usual gripes. I'm in process of recording this podcast and hope to have it up soon. Stay tuned!


Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Episode 5 is up!

This will propogate soon to the other networks for now you should be able to get it direct from the feed.


podcast 5 up soon

I'm uploading as I type this. I'm getting concerned. These shows are getting too long I think. I sense a format change coming on... yes... the new format will be as follows:

Tech News of the Week (my top item)
Rants n Raves (including submissions and chats with co-workers)

Nice, clean, simple... popDOT!

Look for the new format in podcast 6, hopefully it will be much shorter so I can actually do one a week.


Friday, August 05, 2005

Welcome to iTunes and Odeo

That's right, signed sealed and now delivered. Check out the chicklets on the right to get hooked up with the podcast. Episode 5 is in production.


iTunes and Odeo

Well I decided to take the plunge and subitted popdot to Odeo and iTunes. Look for them soon on those sites. I will also add subscribe buttons here soon. Here goes nothing!


to iTunes or not to iTunes... that is the question

So I'm battling over the idea of adding this podcast to iTunes. I've done so with a different podcast and in a couple days it's already getting a bunch of hits. I wonder if popdot is ready for the masses. What do you think? Email me at with what you think, should popdot go iTunes?
