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Monday, June 27, 2005

Episode 4 now available!

Episode 4, a new dope! is up. Click the feed link on the right to get it. This episode took way too long to be posted because I had been without my recording my tabletpc all month. I just got it back from being repaired last Friday and so I was able to finish editing and get it up there for you. Enjoy!


Sunday, June 26, 2005

Episode 4 to feature special guest!

I'm not going to say too much more about it but he will read the emails submitted to our address at Another reason to send it in! I'm very close to releasing Episode 4 as well. I just need to get it uploaded and linked and then your podcast clients can go nuts.



I know, I know, I said I'd have ep 4 up today. I'm working on it. I still have a few things to record and then I have to finish mixing it. I hope to have it up yet early this week. Stay Tuned...


Wednesday, June 22, 2005

working on odeo...

I'm looking at possibly putting this on odeo. A new podcast client and hosting solution that's in beta. I haven't submitted this podcast in it's current state as I want to test out what they have to offer. If I don't like what they have to offer then I will just have them link over here otherwise I may move the podcast feed over to their servers in the future. We shall see. Also my tabletpc is in transit back to me! Mobo problems, who'd a thunk? I will get episode 4 up as soon as I can. Probably Sunday. Peace, out.


Monday, June 13, 2005

In the meantime...

So my tabletpc is in for repair which severely limits what I can do with popDOT! for the time being. Since I have some time, I'm moving things around on the back end and actually fixing an error I made in one podcast (that was a task, let me tell you). Podcast #2 is down currently but will be back up as soon as I can get it uploaded somewhere. Otherwise, sit back, relax and stay tuned for podcast #4 when it comes out in a couple weeks... maybe less. :)
